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You can hide only so much. It would be better if you whip your body in shape. If you start exercising now and eating moderately, you'd make enough progress by summer to be proud of the way you look in your swim suit. Personally, I prefer tae bo as it gives visible results quickly. Plus it is a lot more fun than jogging on the treadmill or doing repitive exercises in the gym. In any case, pick a workout system you find enjoyable and can stick with through summer.
Exercise alone isn't going to help if you eat like a pig. I have a problem with my weight and it stems from my emotional eating. The doctor said I had to lose weight for health reasons and the only way I'd succeed was if I had my mouth sewn shut. I didn't of course, but do try to moderate my food intake. Having a food journal where you record down everything you eat and drink (yes, drinks can contain a lot of calories) then tallying up the number of calories you've consumed can be quite an eye opener. Do that. Then decide what you're going to cut down in order to lose weight.
Now on to the pasty skin issue. Forget about baking yourself in the sun. Exposure to those UV rays would only increase your chances of getting skin cancer. Do what the celebrities do. Spray on your tan, or at least smooth it on with a sunless tanning lotion. Do it after exfoliating your skin as these self tanners work by coloring the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin. If your skin is flaky, the tan would be patchy.
Start now and you'll more than happy to face summer in your bikini.
You can get great moisturizers at http://www.cheapestsale.com/health/moisturizer.html for your face, lips and body.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janice_Wee
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